Monday, 30 March 2020

Oldfields Temporary Closure - Official Announcement 30th March

Temporary Closure

After much deliberation and consideration, we have taken the decision to temporarily shut from 24th March until further notice. Our plan was to stay open using special measures, but with updated and ongoing guidance we feel we aren't able to do so.

Whilst we are classed as an essential service and specifically excluded from the businesses told to close, we have to consider all aspects of the business along with the escalating situation. As you will appreciate this has been a very difficult decision because we don't want to let our loyal customers down, but we have to consider the severity of the situation and the impact on our staff.

If you are booked in with us, we won't be able to fulfil bookings until we re-open [please see below for in an emergency]. Anyone who was booked in, don't worry we will contact you as a priority in time for our return. 

If your MOT has expired or is due while we are closed...

If your MOT is due please don't panic, there is government guidance on what to do as they have issued a temporary change to MOTs to help us all through the COVID-19 crisis [please see our Coronavirus Temporary MOT amendments post below ]

In an emergency for essential MOTs & repairs...

If you have an emergency and your vehicle is not able to be used under the new temporary MOT guidelines, please contact me directly. We may be able to carry out some emergency work during our closure, so long as it is possible and safe to do so. We also have courtesy vehicles that could be made available. Please though, consider the Government Guidelines on going out during the COVID-19 pandemic and use this to assess if your vehicle requirement really is essential. I can't make any promises, but I will try find a solution for you in cases of need. 

You can contact me by Email

Our thanks...

I'd like to thank our team for their commitment and continued support at this difficult time, in return we have paid them in full for March and plan on doing so in April. We'd also like to thank our suppliers for their excellent levels of service to help keep our customers on the road. We have paid all of our suppliers this month in full as usual. 

I'd like to sincerely thank our customers for their ongoing support, good wishes and custom. We understand that everyone is under pressure, but if you have an outstanding invoice or account due to us, payment would be very much appreciated at this difficult time.

Closing comments...

We've made this decision, not to close our business but to protect it. With your support we will be back as soon as we can safely do so. We are initially planning on closing for 3 weeks, however as you will appreciate we we are constantly reviewing this position and changing as required. 

Personally I will be having a rest over the next week or so as it has been exhausting (and not just for me), navigating through all of this. Along with family time and rest, I'll be using it as a chance to plan for the future, whilst there is a huge amount of uncertainty, it gives a great opportunity to consider lots of things including what we do well, things we could do better and to revisit what Oldfields is all about to create the an improved vision for Oldfields in the future.  

Please stay safe and follow the government guidelines on staying home unless it's absolutely necessary to leave the house. Make sure you follow guidelines on social distancing - the 2 meter rule. Please also refrain from contact with friends and family other than your household unit. This is extremely hard and anyone who has a close family (or kids that live away). A nurse friend told me, "the Virus doesn't travel, people travel." If we stand still the virus dies. 

Thank you so much for your understanding and support during these difficult times for everyone. 

We'll be back raring to go as soon as it is safe to do so!

Stay safe and best wishes, Tim x 

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